Duties of President require presiding at all meetings (prepare agendas, review minutes, submit meeting dates to bulletin). Performs as ex-officio member of all committees, except the Nominating Committee. Appoints all commissioners and chairwomen of special committees. Calls a board meeting within 60 days of assuming office. Strong organizational skills and communications skills required. This position includes connecting people and touching base with officers and chairwomen to make sure they have what they need and everything is progressing on time. The President also prepares the membership mailing in the fall, represents NCCW at various events throughout the year, and keeps the Vice President informed so she is prepared to assume the Presidency the following year.
Duties of the Vice President require acting as an aide to the President. Performs duties of the President in her absence. Succeeds office of President. The Vice President typically has had some past involvement with NCCW and has served as a committee chair or member of the board. The Vice President stays informed regarding NCCW activities and assists as needed.
The Treasurer receives all money of the organization. Keeps an accurate record of all receipts and disbursements. Expends money only on an order or warrant signed by the President. Deposits all money in a bank approved by the Board of Directors. Presents a statement of accounts at every board meeting. Presents her accounts semi-annually to the Auditor in January and July. On completion of her term as Treasurer, all bills being paid have the books and records audited before turning them over to the new Treasurer by August 1.
Duties of Historian require acquisition of reports from committee chairs and commissioners at the end of the year. Compiles reports to form a summary and presents at the annual spring meeting (Madonna Dinner in May). Occasionally, the Historian is asked to take photos at events or to research answers to questions by checking past years' summaries. This position is great for someone who has been involved with NCCW or someone who would like to get more involved. Strong writing and speaking skills are helpful.
The Secretary keeps an accurate record of all meetings of the Executive Committee, the Board of Directors, and at the Annual Meeting. Takes care of the official correspondence of the organization. Is responsible for notification of board meetings. Maintains a current calendar of events on the nativitywomen.org website and the Nativity Council of Catholic Women Facebook page. Performs any other duties pertinent to this office.
The Nominating Committee is comprised of a small group of three active NCCW members who work together with the Pastor to nominate and request the leadership of the following year’s NCCW Executive Board. Current President and Vice President cannot serve in this group. At the January Board Meeting, a nomination of three members shall be elected from candidates nominated from the floor.
Duties include conferring with the Pastor and reporting at the election meeting the name of at least one candidate for each office. Additional nominations may be made from the floor, providing the nominee is qualified and has signified her willingness to serve.
Duties require attendance at the four meetings held each year (Sept, Nov, Feb, and April – usually held the third Thursday of the month) and reports back at the next NCCW meeting.